Bacula Enterprise Edition 8.0.4

Ukazała się nowe wydanie oprogramowania Bacula Enterprise Edition z serii BEE8. Pierwsze publiczne wydanie oznaczone zostało numerem 8.0.4. Inteos oraz Bacula Systems zalecają swoim klientom upgrade do tej wersji, a szczególnie klientom chcącym skorzytać z nowych funkcjonalności jakie oferuje ta wersja.

Aktualizacja dostępna jest dla wszystkich klientów posiadających aktualną subskrypcję oprogramowania Bacula Enterprise Edition dowolnego poziomu oraz dla wszystkich koientów usługi Inteos Backup.

Informacje szczegółowe:

Release Notes for Bacula Enterprise 8.0.4

Release 8.0.4 06 November 2014

8.0.4 is a major bug release with a change on the Client Side dediplication
cache option that no longer require a local database.

- Fix #692 about compatibility issue with community FD
- Fix #699 about duplicated job name when starting two jobs at the same time
- Fix #701 about status schedule missing from tab completion and correct job filter
- Fix #346 Add ipv6 support for Solaris

- dedup: Display DDE information with variable units
- dedup: fix dedup usage command mismatch between used and unused diskspace
- dedup: new "opportunistic dedup restore" to replace "dedup client cache" The
"opportunistic restore" principle is a replacement for the "dedup client
cache" used in version 8.0.1. The goal is to avoid the transfer of chunks
from the SD at restore time by reusing identical chunks that could be found
on the target itself. The new design is way simpler and should perform as
- dedup: improve cmd "dedup usage" and add "reset" option
- dedup: calculate and maintain dedup ratio

- bweb: Fix #689 about a problem with "back" button in the New Backup wizard
- bweb: Fix for empty OS Type value in new client wizard
- bweb: Implement OperatorCommand, MailCommand, MailOnSuccess and MailOnError
on Messages
- bweb: Fix problem in Messages edition caused by fixing #641
- bweb: Add BaseJob option to job and fileset edition page
- bweb: Fix some translation issues
- bweb: Replace Base option by BaseJob in Fileset edition box
- bweb: Fix #663 about bad generated FSType output when editing a FileSet

- Fix ownership bug in html-manuals package
- Fix QT windows build for 32bit

Bugs fixed/closed since last release:
346 641 663 689 692 699 701

Release 8.0.3 30 September 2014

8.0.3 is a minor bug release with various packaging fixes
- Fix of the Client Deduplication cache option.
- Fix of Windows 32 bit version of Bat
- Fix of the SAP/Oracle plugin interface version

Bugs fixed/closed since last release:

Release 8.0.2a 24 September 2014

8.0.2a is a restricted minor bug fix release with new
obfuscated passwords in ldap and vsphere plugins feature.

- Add @encode and sp_decode functions for plugins
- postgresql: Avoid to use pg_restore -c -C on old postgres
- postgresql: Allow to restore databases with . in the name, do not use -e
switch in pg_restore
- Add first cut of kvm plugin
- Fix tls-duplicate-job seg fault + harden pthread_kill() code
- bweb: Fix #641 about not showing rename Name message while cancel button is

Bugs fixed/closed since last release:

Release 8.0.2 18 September 2014

8.0.2 is a minor bug fix release.
- dedup: check data version to allow smoother version upgrade and downgrade
- dedup: fix bug, no dedup of "big file" and of vsphere plugins
- Update plugin version to ensure 8.0 will not load 6.6 plugins
- Add JobBytes and ReadBytes to llist jobid= output
- Rewrite store_drivetype and store_fstype to allow a comma separated list of
- Fix #633 about JobDefs MaximumBandwidth Job inheritance
- Fix possible editing truncation due to 32 bit calculations
- mysql: Improve how we report connection errors
- bweb: Modify the new storage wizard to set the PluginDirectory when creating
aligned/dedup devices
- bweb: For checkbox fields value attribute is always set to 1
- bweb: Fix #620 about SDCallsClient checkbox not working properly
- bweb: Fix message for queued job status (bug #600)
- Improve error message of open_bpipe() on win32
- Fix RT#11839 with wrong permissions on
- Add jobid= parameter in .status dir running command
- mysql: Use tmp_dir to store scripts stderr output
- bweb: Fix #602 about an error in schedule display when using WeekOfYear
- Fix error message when dedupengine is already open

Bugs fixed/closed since last release:
11839 600 602 620 633

Release 8.0.1 31 August 2014

The Director and all SDs must all be version 8.0, since they are
not compatible with prior versions.

New Features:
- There is a new SD dedup plugin to enable Global Endpoint Deduplication
technology on Devices using DeviceType=dedup. See main manual and
Global EndPoint Deduplication whitepaper for more information.
- Migrate and Copy jobs can now be written to a different Storage daemon
than the read Storage daemon. This happens automatically there are no
new directives.
- For Backup, Restore, Verify, Copy, or Migration jobs, you can specify the
following new directive in Client resource:

SD Calls Client = true

in this case, the SD will contact the FD rather than the other way
around. Note, this feature does not currently work for VirtualFull
backup jobs.
- The keyword "lastday" can be used on the Run directive in
a Schedule resource. It will cause the job to run on the last day
of any months selected.
- The Run schedule can now include the keyword "sixth" or "6th" which
triggers on the sixth week of a month (e.g. as in March 2014).
- You can now specify the NextPool directive in the Job resource. Doing
so will take precidence over any NextPool directive in the Pool resource.
- You can specify the NextPool override on a Run directive in a Schedule
resource. Doing so will take precidence over any NextPool in the
Job or Pool resource.
- The status command has been enhanced to have a new "schedule" option.
If specified, it will print out a listing of the jobs that will be
run during the next 10 days. The output will be limited to 100 lines
maximum. Additional specifiers can be present on the command line:

status schedule[=] [job=] [days=nnn]
[limit=nnn] [time=<"YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"]

thus you can limit the number of lines output, change the number of days
checked (default 10). Note days can be max 500, and limit can be max 2000.
The time keyword is intended for debugging and sets the start date and
time for which the day and limit will be applied. Note, the time value
must be enclosed in quotes and must be exactly of the format shown
above. The SS (seconds) must be given, but it is ignored since all jobs
are run on a minute basis.
- The files that were previously named .bactrace are now all renamed
to be .lockdump This should help avoid confusions with the .traceback
- There is a new "Client Connect Timeout" in the Storage daemons Storage
resource that sets the maximum time that the Storage daemon will wait
to connect to the File Daemon. The default is 30 minutes. This directive
only applies to connections made with SD Calls Client enabled.
- The FileDaemon or Client resource in the bacula-fd.conf file may now
have the new Directive named "Disable Command", which is followed
by one or more File daemon command strings enclosed in double quotes.
This directive can also appear in the Director resource, and in that
case will only apply to that specific Director.
The list of commands that can be specified are:

"backup", "cancel" "setdebug" "setbandwidth" "estimate" "Hello" "fileset"
"JobId", "level" "restore" "endrestore" "session" "status" ".status" "storage "
"verify", "component" "RunBeforeNow" "RunBeforeJob" "RunAfterJob" "Run"
"accurate", "restoreobject" "sm_dump" "stop"

Note, this directive can add a lot of security by disabling cancels,
restores, or even backups, but depending on what you disable, you
can also make the FD unusable.
- There is a new FD ldap Plugin to easily backup OpenLDAP and Microsoft AD

- bweb: Fix permission issue with /etc/sudoers.d/bweb on redhat/suse
- Fix bad caps with SDcallsClient + debug + fix seg fault on connection error
- dedup: finish vacuum, take care of ref still in the Queue or in the buffer
- Try to create the DedupIndexDirectory in for the FD when starting the daemon
- Implement blowup=nn for FD and hangup+blowup for SD
- Correct bat copyright
- Change sizeof expressions to be more standard
- bweb: Place default DedupEngine directories in /opt/bacula/archive/xxx
- dedup: use #define DDE_EXTRA_CHECKS to control BUCKIDX_PAGE_SIZE
- bweb: Changed documentation target for links
- Fix for SD seg fault while swapping volumes
- Make bextract able to handle dedup streams
- dedup: reduce FSM page size from 64K to 8Bytes to harden recovery and vacuum
- lz4decode() don't require anymore to know the exact size of the uncompressed
- Add new dedup vacuum command
- Make sure mount_next_read_volume() will cancel the current job
- postgresql: Use bin_dir and user when running some postgresql commands
- bweb: Fix jobs table position bug #535
- bweb: Fix media table position bug #535
- Add no_mount_request to DCR
- Add new worker thread class
- Add small tool to test threads
- bweb: Move media view improvements
- Add spec file for redhat/suse html manual package
- Fix bug #2091 bad vtape device definitions
- Fix bug #2089 compiler warning
- Fix recursive echo bug #2088
- Add new fifo class flist.h/c
- Use a default email address in bweb packages
- Allow to create temp DEVICE from DEVRES
- For bat always use g++
- Convert BFILE into a class for Windows
- Make selection by Volume Name or MediaId a bit clearer
- bweb: Fix for sending e-mail during move media action
- Fix for remove win32 and win64 objects during clean action
- Add Eric's Windows mssql plugin
- Simplify windows includes + implement Windows last changed time on a file
- Generate bweb .idx file when creating html-manual tar file
- Optimize Dmsg() with tags by keeping current tags into a separate variable
- Enhance dedup lock by using code from create_pid_file() function
- Adapt create_pid_file() function to dedup engine lock
- Use Qmsg instead of Jmsg in rehydration_thread
- Use new VIX library for vsphere plugin
- Correct bweb.spec with systemd
- bweb: Fix #567 about reload error message
- Fix hang in 64 bit Windows bat when connecting to Dir
- Fix #547 by adding .schedule command
- Fix bug #2079 with patch from Robert Oschwald
- Proper start and uninstall win32 and win64 services
- Fix orphaned file descriptors during errors
- Remove bin32 directory from win64 installer
- Improve FD and SD cancel
- Jim Raney's TLS patch
- Attempt to avoid client==NULL
- Attempt better shutdown before install
- Allow to build Qt4 with libpng library
- Marcins split Win 32 and 64 bit builds
- Update Windows lib .def files automatically
- Set dedup by device in SD caps if possible
- Avoid seg fault if jcr->client not set
- modified chk_dbglvl() to always permit DmsgX(000,
- Finish SD-FD caps coding
- Fix seg fault in jobq.c
- dedup: use fd->send(BNET_NOCOMPRESS) and to avoid double compression
- do a smartdump() of a bad response
- Add qt4 patch for building Windows
- Minor optimization to bsock compression
- dedup: implement generic IndexWalker in the DDE to walk the index
- dedup: add support for transaction to DDE part 1
- Add explict link of libstd++ for Windows bat
- Remove old Windows code from compat.h
- add lz4 to dedupengine
- dedupengine: improve security, check the size of the block when reading
- in hello.c, restore FD_VERSION 12 instead of 5
- make stop after first error
- Increase status schedule days from 500 to 3000
- Prepare Windows FD for community release
- bweb: Adjusted CSS for navigation bar
- Set pthread id in jcr at beginning so the job can be canceled.
- Add support RHEL7 for Bweb
- Fix possible heartbeat interval timing problems
- bweb: Update navbar structure definition
- bweb: Added no-toggle and params properties to navbar
- bweb: Update navbar structure definition
- bweb: In case no action param navbar treat script name as action
- append.c: remove obsolete codes
- Fix stab2cv with new g++
- Add code to put libwinpthreads-1.dll into the Windows Installer -- we still
use our own pthreads
- control BSOCK verbosity using DT_NETWORK tag
- Fix some errors reported by valgrind. May fix the problem with bsmtp command.
- Ensure b_sterror() is using the correct size of input buffer
- Add -T option to bacula-dir to enable traces at startup
- dedup: use a Queue on the SD instead of smart async for backup
- smartdump() select between asciidump and hexdump automatically
- arun: smart CTRC-C that skip current test but continu on to next one
- bweb: Fix pie graphs for MySQL
- Enabled SD installation and configuration in win32 installer
- Limit the exposure of tokyocabinet in the FD and allow to compile without
- Fix segfault when trying to stop the bnet_server thread in terminate_stored()
- bweb: Added new items in navigation bar ("breadcrumb")
- bweb: Initial commit with changes for navigation bar ("breadcrumb")
- Fix Windows kill() emulation to be 64 bit compatible
- Replace strcpy and strcat by strncat/cpy
- Fix misplaced bit clear in mac_record_cb
- Correct L suffix to be LL
- Separate bsock read and write locks
- Ensure SD bnet_server is properly shutdown
- Set appropriate bsock locking
- Allow turning off SD deduplication
- Extend bsock locking to duplicated bsock packets
- Add tokyocabinet in version.h
- print Jmsg into trace file (via Dmsg)
- debuging: add hexdump() & asciidump() to utils.c
- Check dedup Volume type
- Implement new capabilities comm protocol -- variables passed not yet used
- Add new FD hello.c + create capability subroutines
- Ensure that comm line compression is enabled
- Refactor FD Hello code adding hello.c
- Look for posix_fallocate() in
- Refactor the SD Hello code to put it all in hello.c
- bweb: JavaScript code reducing in templates
- bweb: Enabled possibility sorting job data by jobstatus (Mantis #404)
- Fix #496 about missing UPGRADE notes in bweb debian package
- bweb: Fix #11207 about
- BSOCK bug bix, BNET_CMD_BIT is stored in flags not in pksize anymore
- bweb: not showing 'Services restart/reload' form in case using more than one
local FileDaemon or Storage Daemon
- Added default black color for workset table border
- Possibility to restart/reload services after workset commit (Mantis #439)
- Fix limit bandwidth calculation
- Eliminate strcpy() from bsmtp
- Add new extended comm header
- Rewrite Systemd startup scripts
- Display correct NextPool overrides + use Job NextPool in restore if available
- Fix #462 about "hostname -s" that may return empty string and corrupts
default configuration file
- bweb: Fix #480 about quoting problem with JobDefs
- bweb: Fix dependency page that can be empty from time to time
- Fix for JavaScript error in scripts versioning
- bweb: Fix JobHistory table definition and add a check in bweb check config
- bweb: Fix #474 about btime graph on MySQL
- Add comm compression with offset
- Fix for sorting integer values by nrsTable grids library
- Comma sepration in autochanger table
- Comma separated numeric values
- Added modyfing HTML elements with numeric values into comma splited values
- Add first cut Windows 64 bit SD installation configuration
- Implement win_file_dev class
- Build Windows SD
- Fix compiler warning
- Fix ifdef for SD_DEDUP_SUPPORT
- Function for formatting numbers into coma separated values
- bweb: Fix #441 about user defaults not always hidden
- Fix compiler warning + simplify some #ifdefs
- Add support for FileSet option Dedup=[none,storage,bothsides]
- bweb: Fix #441 about resource defaults
- Work on win32 VSS snapshots
- winbmr: padding of the disk serial with 0 up to 8 hexa 'digit'
- Modify comm compress to permit turning it off -- fixes bug #406
- bweb: Add Virtual Dedup Autochanger in newstorage wizard
- bweb: Add missing translation markers
- Make nsis paths absolute
- ndmp: Fix #430 by sending TERM signal to bndmp process after a cancel
- Turn off htable stats debug code
- BSR are generated more efficiently
- Improve error message in postgresql plugin
- mysql: Fix restore of all-databases.sql with where=
- Fix #426 on MySQL plugin with restore using where=/ option
- Fix calls to sl.set_string()
- Improve sellist code
- Correct debug output fixes bug #10922
- Add dedup block size and setup Volume header for dedup
- Add /dev/null device -- not yet working
- Add VolType to Catalog
- Fix bug #180 ERR=success in btape when tape error
- Add usea checks to director
- First phase new Dedup Volume header
- winbmr.exe: the plugin compiles as a .exe, add option to skip mountpoint (for
- Fix #416 about setuid bit not restored on Redhat
- Fix error handling in do_alist_prompt
- Tighten error condition handling in sellist
- Attempt to make bacula-fd.conf admin readable only and respect silent mode
- bweb: Use new dedup directives
- Fix casting in serial.h
- bweb: Implement deduplication and encryption directives
- Enhance SD status to include plugins
- Handle properly WIN32 Mount points
- Fix DIR->FD compression + Dedup stripping code
- Add new cancel-multiple test
- Allow to scan ConfigFile from C buffer
- Add --enable-usea to ./configure
- win32: ./makeall bat=no (add support for bat option in makeall)
- New dedup FD version + DIR checks dedup aware FD
- Suppress regress zombie status if debug off
- Supress unwanted regress output
- Add deduplication directives
- Get new aclocal.m4 also
- Reschedule on error caused EndTime to be incorrect -- fixes bug #2029
- Flush console queued job messages -- should fix bug #2054
- Attempt to fix FreeBSD echo/printf, bug #2048
- Update to newer libtool + config.guess
- Apply fix supplied for acl.c in bug #2050
- Fix #10747 about MySQL database creation/upgrade script
- Fix a SD seg fault that occurs with over committed drives
- Use a variable for the compiler name in build-depkgs-mingw32
- Fix spurious storage message during restore
- Use latest openssl in External-mingw files
- Add -E option to bls to detect errors in volumes
- win32: Remove vestiges of python
- Remove setting errno
- Initialize Windows comm as multithread
- Add Alain's fix for multiple encryption Jobs in Windows FD
- Add check_beef() function for plugins
- Make snapshot failure warning rather than fatal
- Another attempt to fix failed snapshots
- Re-activate Marcin's code to not snapshot read-only volumes
- Attempt to ignore bad shadow path
- Backout previous fix for VSS (ignore read-only volumes)
- Fix VSS error reported in bug #382
- Addd definition of FILE_READ_ONLY_VOLUME
- Fix VSS bug in winbmr pluin
- Apply fix for bug 2049: wrong drive selected
- move openssl initialization from crypto.c to openssl.c to be "shared" with
- Fix rt#10566 Windows FD crash when running multiple encrypted backup
- tls.c allow concurent send() on an openssl socket (required by DEDUP)
- tls.c back to the pre-dedup version because of duplicate code with openssl.c
- Use GetCurrentThreadId to replace bthread_get_thread_id()
- Allow to compile SD/DIR/CATS on Win32/Win64
- Fix a segfault when doing sm_dump at the end of the process
- Fix segfault when the configuration file is not accessible
- Fix segfault when terminating the filedaemon
- Fix Bacula bug #2044 -- fix Makefile for bplugininfo linking
- Fix Bacula bug #2046 -- sellist limited to 10000
- Fix Bacula bug #2045 -- multiply defined daemon_event
- Fix Bacula bug #2020 overflow in btape -- Andreas Koch
- dedup: add ./configure --disable-sd-dedup
- Turn on lockmgr for windows
- Use intptr_t instead of uint64_t for home made pthread id
- Use a simple threadid in Dmsg function
- Ensure threadid is a int for TLS mutex
- Add function to have a simple int for each threads
- Fix for showing monitor options in win32/win64 FD installer
- Update po Makefile
- Fix improper string in parser
- Remove vestiges of Python, tray-monitor, and wx_console
- Support for restricted consoles in BAT config
- Fixcompile + linking check_bacula
- Fix for free director directive
- Fix auto-select restricted console for director in bconsole
- Silence vacuumdb warnings
- Fix for select list scrolling (Mantis #313)
- Add Simone Caronii to AUTHORS
- Align command line switches in manpages.
- Update config.guess
- Remove old code
- Attempt to fix nagios to use new bsock calls
- Fix for too small length of config token
- Fix race condition on job termination with Director message edit codes
- Fix bad change in cram-md5.c
- Abort if jcr use count goes negative
- Fix possible debug output seg fault
- Add spec file for LDAP packages
- Create bacula-enterprise-inteos package with LDAP/MSAD source
- Add ldap plugin to
- bweb: Add LDAP/MSAD plugin configuration in fileset edition box
- Add more DB error display messages
- bweb: Fix #303 by clearly explaining what a blue directive is
- Remove setting bandwidth in bat status updates
- Fix #10372 by escaping properly \n and \r in json output
- bweb: Fix #302 about Maximum Bandwidth in bytes
- bweb: update LICENSE file
- bweb: update copyright header
- Update copyright year
- Update year in copyrights
- Update License
- Make Invalid Vol name error more explicit
- bweb: Fix #270 for long titles in content bar
- bweb: Fix #296 about error when saving Messages resource
- Adapt Windows Makefiles to new docs directories and simplify
- Make CoInitialize multithread
- Fix SDCallsClient daemon synchronization
- Add debug code + make same as localhost for tls tests
- Fix multiple DIRs in console
- Make failure for bat to connect to DIR non-fatal
- Fix bat style to one that works
- Add more VSS debug code
- bweb: Add code to display pattern tooltip with fields
- bweb: Add a simple way to detect browser cache problem
- bweb: Add support for KVM plugin
- bweb: Implement tooltips on bweb graphs
- Build bweb for suse11.2
- Remove some old BEEFs
- Build vsphere on suse11.2
- Add back backup-to-null regression
- Fix backup-to-null to work
- Improve SQL failure reporting
- Correct bad edit of SQL RecycleCount
- Remove trailing spaces
- Add more error output to bsock.c
- Remove unused code
- Implement sd_calls_client for Migrate/Copy jobs
- Remove trailing blanks
- bweb: Ensure to not generate bad changelog file
- Fix ophanned buffer on authentication failure in SD
- Remove backup to NULL test. It does not work
- Fix seg fault from bad arg order
- Remove trailing spaces
- Enhance reserve fail messages
- Fix bsock orphanned buffers
- bweb: Fix warning in
- Fix #275 updating sample-query.sql with new File layout
- Allow setbandwidth/cancel/stop of list of jobs
- mysql: Add tmp_dir plugin command option to specify directory where to create
dump scripts
- postgresql: Add tmp_dir plugin command line option to specify a custom
directory for scripts
- bweb: Fix small issue when selecting/unselecting job type
- bweb: Fix #10037 about improper sorting by size in Media view
- Allow to specify debug tags with -d command switch
- bweb: Fix Resource deletion where the resource is in a dependency array (like
- Rename CHK_LVL to chk_dbglvl
- Use %ld in setdebug command (send/scanf)
- Unlock bsock if actually locked
- Ensure to export OutputWriter correcly and update win32 def files
- Ensure that debug_level is always 64bit
- bweb: Fix various warning
- bweb: Fix #10009 about JobDefs edition where current parameters are marked as
required and can no longer be deleted
- bweb: Fix boolean values when applying jobdefs
- Split record_read/write adding aligned_read/write
- bweb: Use Storages/Autochangers in director resource menu
- bweb: Fix small issue with cancel button in jobdefs edition page
- bweb: Display warning if firefox is not used, and allow to configure the
number of rows in various lists
- bweb: Fix #10006 about MaximumBandwidth regex validation
- Separate device classes
- bweb: Add support for MaximumSpawnedJobs
- vss: Do not reset the drive list in bEventVssPrepareSnapshot to avoid conflict
with other plugin
- Define classes for most device types
- First cut separate file and tape devices
- Change Windows device class name
- Separate device os files into os.c
- First cut new Windows tape/file device classes
- Add MaximumSpawnedJobs directive to limit Migration/Copy jobs
- Reactivate building Windows SAP
- Remove bacula version check in vss plugin
- Fix SAP build
- Disable build of Windows SAP plugin
- Clean old sap-fd.a file during Windows build
- Fix syslog in Windows build
- Create first cut ChangeLog and ReleaseNotes for 8.0.0 Beta
- For now release Beta only
- Update copyright date
- Fix Windows build missing variable declaration
- Add more error messages for VSS + update copyright year
- Change bactrace to lockdump
- Set default watchdog timeout to 200 days
- Ignore silly FreeBSD signal 0
- bweb: Clarify overview text
- bweb: Fix #209 about javascript rounding problem when displaying backup
- bweb: Fix #7788 about small problem in job duration display
- bweb: Fix #9918 on changing the hidden flag in user defaults
- Up watchdog timeout from 6 days to 20 days
- Removed Dir Python module
- Implement SD-SD migrate/copy code
- Fix debug_level masking
- Use sql and memory tags in postgresql.c and smartalloc.c
- Add "protocol" to setdebug tags
- Change the DT_ALL bit mask to fix smartalloc debug output
- Revert debug changes for smartall
- Fix small issue in Messages when using "all" keyword
- Add scheduler tag for debug, and print mem_pool information when using memory
- Add missing auto-label-jobmedia-test
- Reduce debug in virtual-backup-test
- Add day of week to time command
- Refactor stored/read.c code to be simpler
- bweb: Implement NextPool in Job and Schedule resource (fix #226)
- Add Schedule->Run->NextPool to bdirjson
- bweb: Add sixth week of the month in schedule
- Fix compilation on freebsd that doesn't have the ENONET errno
- Add check for libpq in bs_alert
- Implement .api v2 and use computer friendly output to status commands.
- Implement setdebug tag= command to classify debug messages
- bweb: Hide legend if more than 10 elements to display, should fix #9778
- Implement lastday scheduler option + status schedule command
- Minor name and reformat changes
- delta: Raise error when the file is not on the command line
- Fix #216/#9735 about non used user/password in MySQL plugin command string
- bweb: Add specific tests for libpq/postgresql compatibility
- Add new debug code to detect Scratch pool being emptied
- Make scratchpool-pool-test to work
- Update to hardlink patch from Josip: Remove unnecessary spaces + implement
restore command line option to change from optimize for speed to optimize
- Implement blocking Windows suspensions during job in FD
- Eliminate a few compiler warnings on Windows
- Fix #205 about bconsole "restart incomplete job=" fails with sql query
- Fix #208 by adding fromallpools and allfrompool parameters to update help
- bweb: Display Include{} before Exclude{} when generating Fileset
- Use new MinGW-W64 to cross compile windows binaries
- Ensure that the SD JobEnd and DeviceClose are always called. Fixes bug
- Fix uninitialized variable in SDCallsClient code
- Correct autochanger handling of free_volume()
- Add check in bs_alert to report a warning if we found Full jobs without any
- Make sure delta and ndmp plugin are compatible with Bacula version 7
- Add debug when a plugin is disabled
- bweb: Add new ClientConnectTimeout and SDCallsClient
- Fix bad free_volume() reported by Matthew Ife
- Implement SD Calls Client
- Fix segfault on testfind
- bweb: Fix #153 about error when using seconds in various fields
- Add joblog to llist help command to fix #157
- Work on cancel inactive jobs
- Allow to use File=/ on Windows
- Add clarification of get_sockaddr() function
- Improve error exit with debug code
- Implement berrno WSA bit
- delta: require the exact librsync version
- Make sure to cancel the current job if an Options plugin is not available
- Create a Windows SAP package
- Implement DisableCommand in FD for additional security
- Permit multiple alist_str expressions on a single Directive
- Remove old Python code
- Update LICENSE to include lz4
- Fix small memory leak
- Handle non valid cipher during encryption setup
- bweb: Improve the message when enable_security is ON, and lighttpd is not
properly configured
- Fix segfault in win32 sparse and compress attribute
- Restore windows SPARSE and COMPRESSION attributes
- Implement #113 by adding new FD PkiDigest and PkiCipher directive
- Simplify call to destroy socket
- Remove unused file -- regress-config

Bugs fixed/closed since last release:
113 153 157 205 208 209 216 226 7788 9473 9778 9918